Salisbury Catholic Parish
Salisbury Catholic Parish Archdiocese of Adelaide

Being Stewards of Service and Ministry

As stewards, we name and develop our gifts and talents for the sake of our community.

Stewards share. What has been given to us is simply not for our own use.

Stewards look to the future. We use our gifts to build up God's kingdom for generations to come.

Stewards embrace all life and are challenged to be faithful to their calling.

We invite you to become involved.

Come and share our life!

… Share you time, talents, skills and prayers … to build up our community

HOW you can help build up our community:
  1. Download and print the Parish Ministry Choice form.
  2. Please peruse the list of services and ministries in our parish, included in the form.
  3. Tick the box for the ministry or service which you are ALREADY DOING and wish to continue doing
  4. and also those NEW ministries you WISH TO Begin.
  5. Let us contact you. Please give us your name, address and telephone number and we'll get back to you.
  6. Pease bring the completed form to Mass and place in the Collection basket, or return to the Parish Office.

Copyright© 2009-2010 Salisbury Catholic Parish All Rights Reserved.