Salisbury Catholic Parish
Salisbury Catholic Parish Archdiocese of Adelaide

Become a Catholic RCIA in our Community

Becoming Catholic means undertaking a spiritual journey. This will normally take about 12 months depending on the readiness of each individual. It is called Christian Initiation and there are ceremonies or 'Rites' at each stage to signify the steps along the way. The whole journey is called the 'Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults' or RCIA for short.

The journey is a gradual process of realizing God's call and becoming aware of God's presence in your life. Initiation into the Catholic Church is done through the Sacraments of Baptism, you begin a process called the Catechumenate, and if you are already baptized in another Christian tradition you follow a process of continuing conversion leading up to Reception, Confirmation and First Communion.

The Easter Vigil is usually the time of celebration of these Sacraments of Initiation and is a time of great joy for you and your family.

Essentially you will be joining a community, and hence you will be accompanied along the way by members of that community who share with you their own Faith. These accompanying persons are called the RCIA team, and it is their role to assist you in understanding the Scriptures, the practice of worship, and the Sacraments according to the Catholic tradition. In order to get started you inform the parish office that you wish to begin the RCIA Enquiry. (There is no cost attached, and you may withdraw at any point along the journey). The parish office will then put you in touch with the RCIA team and from there you begin the journey.

You may wish simply to make enquiries at this stage and you are most welcome to do so.

Here is a reflection from a person who made this journey recently.

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